Friday, June 30, 2006

Two Blogs Today!

Here's the beginning of my Charlotte's Web - notice it's off the needles - that's because I'm tearing it out. The tension is too tight for my liking so I'm switching from a 4.5 mm to a 5.5 mm. Weird because usually my tension is way too loose. The colors are nice though!

Here's my finished Vesper socks all ready to give to Katy tonight. I'm really proud of them and so thrilled by the striping. They are exactly the same size and the stripes match perfectly. This yarn gets my vote!


Sarah said...

If it makes you feel better I ripped my shawl too. Twice! Did you get the email from Lettuc Knit? Wanna go????? Let me know!

Anonymous said...

I love your socks!! Good for you for 'frogging'; I know how difficult that can be. What's going on at Lettuceknits?? That's the trouble with blogging - makes for easy eavesdropping! Have a great Canada Day weekend; I just read the Yarn Harlot's blog; it's very enjoyable; so if you haven't read it yet go have a know in your spare time. Happy knitting!

Connie said...

Knickkname2b - I think Lettuce Knit had a flood (via cosmicpluto blog)and I got a notice that they were moving to 70 Nassau Street - a group of us are heading down this Wednesday - will we see you there? Yarn Harot was great - see I do have spare time - at least for knitting related stuff!

Josiane Mukasa said...

Looking good.I like the color !!!