Thursday, July 13, 2006

Third Try!

Boy oh boy oh boy! I've tried 3 times to do this post today and every time something goes wrong. And I have so much exciting news to share.....

Here's Lisa - isn't she lovely? She joins Emma and Sarah!

This is the lovely Meghan! All lovingly hand dyed by the one woman in the U.S. That's five of the seven colors on their way.

More handpainted luxury - a beautiful 100% Merino hand paint. Perfect for shawls, socks, sweaters - whatever strikes your fancy. This is all Canadian! Yahoo!

So now I have most of the pictures posted that I wanted to show - there is one more but I think I'll stop while I'm ahead. Got a postage scale today and the website should be ready for me to start loading stuff on by tomorrow or Monday at the latest. This is just too exciting.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Wow Connie, Third time's the charm. Those colours are AWESOME!