Thursday, January 29, 2009

A funny kind of day....

today marks the 5th anniversary of my mother's death - in fact, it's almost to the exact minute. I wonder where these five years have gone - it doesn't feel like that long. It makes me realize how sometimes I really am just putting one foot in front of the other and carrying on. I still think of her every day, I miss her like crazy and wish she was here to meet her 2 great grandchildren. Somehow though, when my grandmother passed away this summer, I was happy that her and my mom were together - not happy that I was on my own but happy for them.

I've been knitting - nothing that is a WIP - I mean, really, why would I do that? I'm feeling an attachment to socks these days - I finished there out of Misti Alpaca sock yarn and can't wait to cast on with a new one.
It's Fleece Artist 2/6 in an undetermined color (I've never seen anything like it before) and I'm dying to cast on. I was expecting new yarn today from Artyarns and Handmaiden but they didn't arrive so I will have lots of time to finish Misti Alpaca socks.
The contest will end February 3, 2009 and the winner will be announced on February 4th. The yarn arrives on the third so I thought that would be appropriate. Soon there will be lots of new stuff in here.....I love new stuff!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

You guys are super quick!

Ok so you are already answering the contest question without even knowing what the prize is? Here's what you have to do to win:
Name the Yarn
Name the Colorway
Name the Pattern
and you will win a Free Sock Club membership! Yup - 3 mos of free yarn and patterns! By the way - this contest yarn is coming to Pick Up Sticks so I'm not just teasing you for nothing.......(if more than one person answers correctly there will be a draw for the winner!)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Where Have I Been????

I was relatively uninspired on the knitting front and actually started worrying that I was really hitting a big knitting slump. In my mind, knitting slump and owning a yarn shop should not go hand in hand since there's always something to knit around here. Turns out I was getting sick - and really should have guessed that because it really is the only time that I don't want to knit. Silly me! I had the flu along with Emma, so she and I spent quite a bit of time the last few days - since Saturday - in and out of bed.

Yesterday, I spent glued to the TV watching the inaugeration - wow! Makes me kinda wish I was American - it was so amazing - we don't have anything political like that up here. Our prime minister is sworn in with some kind of ceremony but it's not really a big deal. I am excited for what I think Barack Obama will bring to the world - not just the US - he is an amazing man. My mother was a huge fan of John F. Kennedy and in fact, she and my dad went to Washington DC on their honeymoon. I remember her crying when she was watching the funeral on TV and I remember asking her why and she said because he was such a great man. I feel like she must have felt about Barack Obama - he's mesmorizing and I sure hope he can change politics the way he says he wants to.....congratulatons to all my American friends on your new President - you should be very proud of a man like that. Oh and my favorite part - watching the Neighborhood Ball on TV and seeing he and his wife dancing to Beyonce - and then when he danced with just ordinary people to Stevie Wonder - well, I could not wipe the smile from my face. There he was the President of the United States dancing and dancing well!

Not something knit by me - but something worn by me at every opportunity. Grace from Araucania Collection Book 1 knit out of Tanis Fiber Arts Aran in Spearmint - I'm in love!
And now for something knit by me - it's going to be a contest. Name the yarn, and pattern. It's on it's way to Pick Up Sticks. Along with some new Handmaiden yarns, new Artyarns, new Classic Elite La Gran, Dream in Color Starry......and lots more!

Friday, January 09, 2009

No new knitting....

to report! I'm working on another WWII hat for my dad this time. He originally wanted green and white until I pointed out to him that his coat was grey and red. So it's grey Inca Gold with a red stripe out of Cascade Superwash. Then it's on to a Clapotis out of Casbah that's sitting in my knitting bag. I kind of made this crazy commitment to myself that I would finish up what's in my knitting bag and I'm cranky about it. I want to cast on something new!
I heard on the radio this morning that tomorrow night (Saturday) at 10:28 EST the moon will be bigger and brighter than it will be for the whole of 2009. So bright in fact that you should be able to read a newspaper outside and probably take digital pictures witout the flash. I think that will awesome!

Oh well I just got a surprise....Greg stopped in with coffee and iced cappucinos and while I was helping a customer he put this on my desk. A brand spanking new iPod touch - Emma bought one of these with her Christmas money and I was so taken with it, Greg surprised me with one today. He's a keeper that boy!

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

We're Bbbbaaaack!

I keep putting off blogging, thinking I'll just do this one thing and then blog. That one thing turns into 10 things and I haven't blogged so without further ado - here's what I did on my Christmas break.
Aspen Glo Wrap by Sunflower Designs (pattern available in the shop)
Maidenhair from Handmaiden in Woodland 2 skeins

I love this wrap - it's a keeper!

The new Dream in Color semi solids arrived today - they are all loaded onto the website. Gorgeous, gorgeous color!

And....I'm adding a few new stay tuned. You guys are so lucky that I have ADHD when it comes to the yarn in the shop! :)