Thursday, December 27, 2007

Gifting Results!

I had two projects to finish for Christmas - I meant to knit for more people but time got away from me. I still have to finish a shawl for my grandmother but she was called to say that her knitting wasn't finished. She did receive gifts from me - just no knitting!

At the request of my sister-in-law Joey - there are no faces to these pictures - cute as she is

-she didn't seem to want her face plastered all over the internet!

The top picture is Joey and my mother in law, Joanna both modelling their sweaters. I was so thrilled that they both fit and that they were both appreciated. Joey's is made from Dream in Color Cocoa Kiss - the pattern is Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. Joanna's is a Blue Sky Alpaca Worsted Handdye Simple Tunic - I think the pattern was a Knitting Pure and Simple one - Joanna loves the color red and the Montreal Canadians so this color was the perfect choice for her. She also coaches boys hockey so it will definitely keep her warm at the rink!

Some pictures of Emma and Quinn - and Quinn, Emma and Liam all in the Christmas pj's courtesy of me...

And here's my boy, Jeremy and my father in law, Art who is recovering beautifully from his bypass surgery!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and spent lots and lots of time with people you love!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

It's A Good Knitting Day!

Have you seen it? The Winter Knitty is live! This is the pattern that Amy Singer predicts to be one of the "it" patterns - as in everyone is knitting it!

Jeanie is a work of art! She takes 3 skeins of Smooshy from Dream in Color! I got the ad for this so I've been able to stock up on this yarn!

Indigo Moon Vancouver Series arrived yesterday! Thanks so much Trish for sending the sample shawl. This is the Landscape Shawl from Fiber Trends. Patterns are on the way to the shop. It's so cuddly - just perfect for snuggling up in the crazy winter weather we've been having!