Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Something to pass the time....

It's quieted down in here today so I decided to blog now to pass the last 30 minutes of the day.....Linda brought this gorgeous store sample back today - it's made from Luxury Merino DK and the pattern is out of a Sublime Book - Second Cashmere I think?!? This is size 6-7 - she lengthened it a bit and still had yarn left over. Cute, eh?
Me - I've been working on this gathered scarf from Ravelry out of Socks that Rock in the Lettuce Knit colorway. I wanted to make something other than a pair of socks because I just loved the colors and thought they should be more visible to the naked eye!
Hey Sarah! Look what I can get? Telus came out with a Mike Net Blackberry. Now we can email Blackbird to Blackbird.
We use Mike Net which is a walkie talkie kind of thing - it saves money because it's just $10 per month for both of our phones. Everyone Greg works with has a Mike phone so he has to have it. I personally can't stand using the darn thing - I'm much better with instant gratification. I can't standing waiting for someone to respond.....beep! beep! hello? hello? Apparently, the etiquette of the whole thing is to beep and not say anything so then the person answering can wait until he's free. So he doesn't have to answer while he's talking to someone at the bank or whatever....but my question is this....how do I know if you got the beep in the first place?


Sarah said...

What you CAN get? Or did you get one already??? I am still in love with mine!!

M.L. Shioda said...

your mike phone is similiar to the nextel service where you beep and then wait, like a walkie-talkie. on nextel,it rings like normal, then the person is notified and beeps back hello, then you start talking.

what i found annoying was the act of talking because you have to wait until the person stops talking then you can talk...